We are excited to have you join us for an amazing educational line up, check out the agenda below for the 2025 Conference. Please note that this agenda is subject to change.
Saturday February 8, 2025 4:15pm - 4:35pm EST
The ANSI/ASA S12.42-2010 standard can be used to estimate the attenuation for impulsive noises between 130 and 170 decibels peak sound pressure level (dB pSPL). The ANSI/ASA S12.42 method uses a complex transfer function between the signal received in the ear of an acoustic test fixture (ATF) and a reference transducer. The reference transducer is at the same radial distance from the impulse source and at less than 30 degrees from the ATF angle. The reference transducer is specified as a pencil-type pressure (> 40.6 cm long). The maximum angle and the minimum pencil probe dimensions could be incompatible near the source, or may introduce artifacts or hazards. In this study, several hearing protectors were evaluated with two rifles (A-Bolt .300 Winchester Magnum and Colt AR-15 5.56 caliber), two ATFs (GRAS 45CB) and five transducers (four ¼” microphones and one surface mount microphone). The ATFs were on opposite sides of the gun at distances for field levels between 180- and 140- dB pSPL. For each location and rifle, S12.42 metrics were calculated for all 20 combinations of ATF ear and reference transducer. Results indicated that S12.42 metrics were minimally affected by the locations of the reference transducers.

Learning Objectives:
1. Inform attendees about how tests of hearing protector attenuation using impulsive noise and acoustic test fixtures are performed.

2. Inform attendees about how the position of the test microphone might affect the evaluation of the impulse level dependent attenuation.

3. Inform attendees about the changes in impulse level dependent attenuation with impulse levels, impulse source, and protector type (earmuff and earplug).
avatar for William J. Murphy PhD

William J. Murphy PhD

Financial Disclosures: Royalty at CDC/NIOSHNon-Financial Disclosures: NHCA Spectrum Editor
Saturday February 8, 2025 4:15pm - 4:35pm EST
Crystal CDEF

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