We are excited to have you join us for an amazing educational line up, check out the agenda below for the 2025 Conference. Please note that this agenda is subject to change.
In this 16th round of Safe-in-Sound Awards the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the National Hearing Conservation Association and the Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation will recognize organizations that document measurable achievements in hearing loss prevention. The submissions are evaluated against key performance indicators in a rigorous review process designed to capture and evaluate the successes. The attendees will get to hear about the innovative strategies and the success stories from the winners themselves firsthand. Their examples which also will be shared with a broader occupational safety and health community.
Learning Objectives: 1. Identify an organization that is a sponsor of the Safe-in-Sound Award. 2. List two features of hearing loss prevention programs that exemplify going beyond the regulatory requirements. 3. Describe the purpose of the Safe-in-Sound Award.